This study analyzes working class women‟s expectation and post patronage satisfaction with tailoring services in Adamawa State, Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted for the study. Four objectives, four research questions, as well as four null hypotheses were developed for the study. One of the objectives of the study is to determine the relationship between accurate body measurement based on proportion expected by working class women from tailoring services for Post Patronage Satisfaction in Yola Metropolis; where working class women and tailors constitute the accessible population for the study. The population comprises of 256 tailors and 1225 working class women, Purposive sampling, was used in selecting 120 respondents. A 40 items questionnaire was developed by the researcher which consisted of 20 covers expectations and 20 covers satisfaction was used for data collection for the study. The instrument was pilot tested in Samaru, Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was used to test the internal consistency of the instrument. Person product moment correlation (PPMC) was used in testing the null hypotheses of the study at 0.05 level of significance. The statistical computation was done using Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 21). One of the findings of the study indicated that the working class women expectation on body measurement has relationship with Post Patronage Satisfaction with tailoring services in Yola metropolis. The result indicated that the respondent has agreed, based on the cumulative mean of 2.9391 which is greater than the bench mark of 2.50. Based on the hypotheses tested there is relationship between body measurement and Post Patronage Satisfaction, and p-value of 0,000. The p-value (0.000) was less than 0.05, this is indicating that there is significance relationship between body measurement and PostPatronage Satisfaction. Some of the recommendations based on the findings of this study is that tailors should put more effort to meet expectations of working class women on body measurement of garment since their expectation influence post patronage satisfaction, Tailors in the study area should be well acquainted with latest styles in other to meet the use of clients as it will influence perceived post patronage satisfaction with the tailoring services in yola metropolis, Tailors ought to strive hard to keep to promises made to customers on garments finishing to enhance post patronage satisfaction of working class women with tailoring services in yola metropolis.